• Markov Chain Monte Carlo Sampling Estimation

    For AA273 - State Estimation for Aerospace Systems with Dr. Mac Schwager, I worked with John Lambert to implement an algorithm to track multiple targets given noisy state information, using Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampling, and compared its performance to the more canonical multi-hypothesis Kalman filter. Here’s an example of...

  • A Dive into Deep Learning

    My second quarter at Stanford I did a research rotation with Dr. Eric Darve, researching pruning methods for Deep Neural Networks in an effort to make them more computationally efficient. I joined my research with the class project for CS230 with Andrew Ng. My research didn’t quite unfold in time...

  • Machine Learning Project

    As a joint project for CS229-Machine Learning and AA228-Decision Making Under Uncertainty I colloborated with my colleagues Ola Shorinwa and Taylor Howell to develop a policy for deploying police cars to track out vehicles with anomalous behavior. Our project used principle component analysis (PCA) to indentify cars within the NGSIM...

  • Honors Thesis

    As part of the Honors program during my undergraduate studies at Brigham Young University I had to carry out an extended research project in my field of expertise. My undergraduate research with Dr. David Fullwood focused on developing algorithms for the analysis of electron backsctter diffraction (EBSD) patterns. My Honors...

  • Great Questions Essay

    One of my favorite classes during my undergraduate at Brigham Young University was my capstone class to graduate with Honors, titled “Great Questions Essay.” For the class, you write a 20-30 page essay about a “great question,” or one that doesn’t have a definitive answer, and address it from 3...