Brian E. Jackson
PhD Student at Carnegie Mellon. Engineer. Roboticist.
JuliaCon 2019
I presented some of my recent work developing the ALTRO Solver at JuliaCon 2019. It’s a good review of what I’m working on. Overall, I had a great time a JuliaCon and loved meeting lots of great, smart people working on interesting stuff. The Julia community is awesome.
First Paper Accepted
We got our first paper accepted! Taylor and I will (along with Dr. Manchester) will be going to IROS 2019 in Macau, China to present our paper “ALTRO: A Fast Solver for Constrained Trajectory Optimization.” Hopefully the first of several more to come.
Masters Graduation
I got my Master’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering from Stanford University! It feels like less of an accomplishment than it actually is given I still have another 3-4 years left at Stanford and I work on my Doctorate degree. Still, it has been a great past 2 years. I’ve learned...
Constrained iLQR Tutorial
A lot of my recent work has been focused on methods for speeding up methods for trajectory optimization. Based off of my recent paper that was accepted to IROS 2019 and some other work, I’ve put together a tutorial/walkthrough of ALTRO and augmented Lagrangian iLQR (AL-iLQR). Hope this proves helpful...
Experimental Robotics
Sometimes robots just don’t work the way you’d like them to. In Spring Quarter 2019 I worked with a group of students from my lab to develop the Doggo robot as a research platform. The Doggo robot is a fairly impressive robot built by a team of undergraduate students here...